Enphase Energy, Octopus Energy Announce Uk Partnership

Enphase Energy says that Octopus Energy's retail customers will be able to integrate solar and battery systems into their energy plans in the UK market, with the introduction of Enphase IQ8 microinverters and the IQ battery 5P platform.
PV Magazine International 7:46 pm on April 22, 2024

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Enphase Energy, a US microinverter specialist, has announced a strategic partnership with Octopus Energy in the UK. The deal will see the deployment of Enphases IQ8 microinverters and the IQ Battery 5 platform. Octopus Energy retail customers will be able to integrate solar and battery systems into their energy plans, benefiting from smart tariffs and grid management via the Kraken software platform. This partnership aims to support the growth of solar technology and homeowner empowerment in the UK market.

  • Enphase Energy has partnered with Octopus Energy in the UK to deploy IQ8 microinverters and IQ Battery 5
  • Octopus Energy retail customers can integrate solar and battery systems into their energy plans
  • Customers will benefit from smart tariffs and grid management using Octopus Energy's Kraken software platform
  • The partnership aims to support the growth of solar technology in the UK market
  • Enphase Energy System provides homeowners with flexible and cost-effective energy usage solutions


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