Elon's Nvidia, Ford's Explorer Ev Enters Production, and Byd Expands

Elon's NVIDIA deal could spell trouble for Tesla, Ford's Explorer EV in production, and BYD expands into the Bahamas on
Electrek 11:36 pm on June 4, 2024

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Elon Musk urges Nvidia to prioritize Tesla's GPU needs, Ford Explorer EV enters production, and BYD expands in the Bahamas. These updates touch on auto industry news involving electric vehicles (EV), partnerships, and expansion efforts.

  • Tesla receives special treatment from Nvidia for its GPU needs due to Musk's influence.
  • Ford unveils the all-electric Explorer EV, marking a significant entry into their electric vehicle lineup.
  • BYD expands operations into the Bahamas and other developing markets.
  • The overall context emphasizes developments in the electric vehicle sector within the auto industry.


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