Elon Musk Says Tesla Fsd V12.4 Will Drive a Year Between Intervention, but There's a Caveat

Elon Musk is again hypping the delayed Tesla Supervised Full Self-Driving v12.4 update, now saying that it will drive a.Elon Musk is again hypping the delayed Tesla Supervised Full Self-Driving v12.4 update, now saying that it will drive a..
Electrek 1:16 pm on June 6, 2024

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Elon Musk announced that Tesla's FSD v12.4 update will drive for over a year between interventions, but the promise is contingent on bug fixes. The first week of June saw delays in delivery to customers following successful internal testing with employees.

  • FSD Update Announcement: Tesla's FSD v12.4 promises over a year without intervention, pending bug resolution.
  • Internal Testing First Week Delay: Initial employee testing followed by customer rollout experienced delays in June.
  • Bug Fix Dependency: The one-year driving period relies on fixing known bugs within Tesla's FSD software.
  • Customer Implications: Customer adoption of the new update is subject to future bug rectifications and successful release schedules.
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