Elon Musk Reveals Tesla Software Locked Cheapest Model Y, Offers 40 60 More Miles Of Range

Elon Musk has revealed that Tesla software-locked its cheapest Model Y (Standard Range RWD), and it plans to offer 40...
Electrek 2:11 pm on May 5, 2024

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** Elon Musk reveals Tesla's software-locked Model Y Standard Range RWD, offering 40-60 extra miles of range for $1500 to $2000. Previously speculated rumor confirmed; vehicle owners can unlock additional battery power through regulatory approval processes. The strategy maintains Tesla's pricing structure while introducing an upgrade option, raising debate about efficiency and transparency in consumer expectations regarding product specifications. **

  • Unlocked Range Extension: Elon Musk announces a software update for Tesla's Standard Range RWD Model Y, adding 40-60 miles of range at an additional cost.
  • Regulatory Approval Status: The upgrade is undergoing necessary approvals to enable owners to access the unlocked battery power.
  • Consumer Impact & Perception: While some appreciate the additional range option, others are skeptical about the extra weight and lack of clear specifications before purchase.
  • Tesla's Pricing Model: This strategy allows Tesla to keep its pricing model intact while offering a post-purchase upgrade option for owners.
  • SEO and Marketing Interest: The announcement generates significant interest among SEO practitioners and marketers as it has implications on content creation, marketing strategies, product descriptions, customer relations, and sales pitches.


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