Elon Musk Outlines Upcoming Tesla Full Self Driving Updates

Elon Musk has given an update with an outline for Tesla’s upcoming Full Self-Driving (FSD) software updatesElon Musk has given an update with an outline for Tesla’s upcoming Full Self-Driving (FSD) software updates.
Electrek 12:36 pm on May 9, 2024

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Elon Musk provides updates on Tesla's Full Self-Driving (FSD) software and its upcoming versions, 12.4 and potentially v12.5 & 12.6. FSD drivers are currently on version 12.3.6 with a significant update anticipated soon. Musk acknowledges the complexity of real-world driving scenarios in testing but assures that version 12.4 could be released imminently, offering enhancements for safety and performance.

  • FSD Update: Elon Musk announced significant changes to Tesla's FSD software, with version 12.4 being the most recent and forthcoming updates possibly including versions 12.5 & 12.6.
  • Enhanced Safety Features: The upcoming update addresses issues like acceleration and braking speed, aiming to improve safety for FSD drivers.
  • Complex Test Scenarios: Musk emphasizes the challenges Tesla's team faces when dealing with real-world driving situations such as narrow roads or sudden road closures.
  • Increased Training Capacity: After expanding computing resources, Tesla can retrain neural networks more effectively and frequently, contributing to FSD advancements.
  • Immediate Deployment Possibility: Musk hints at the potential release of version 12.4 soon after its internal testing concludes, marking a critical step toward self-driving capabilities.


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