Elon Musk Confirms His Threat: Give Me 25% Of Tesla or You Don't Get Ai and Robotics

Elon Musk appears to confirmed and even clarify what can be seen as a threat to Tesla shareholders: give me...
Electrek 5:39 pm on May 20, 2024

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Fred Lambert reports Elon Musk's threat of transferring Tesla ownership if he doesn't retain 25% stake, emphasizing AI and robotics integration. This statement comes amid concerns over potential detours from crucial product development due to control issues.

  • Elon Musk Threat: Proposed transferring Tesla ownership unless he gets 25% stake, specifically to maintain focus on AI and robotics.
  • Control Over Company: The CEO's control over the company is under scrutiny after recent public threats about corporate direction.
  • Potential Impact on Tesla: Elon Musk's concerns may affect product development, especially in AI and robotics that are deemed essential for Tesla's success.
  • Previous Compensation Package Dispute: The context stems from the 2018 compensation package issue, leading to legal ramifications regarding Musk's influence over decision-making.
  • Investor Uncertainty and Stock Value: Such public threats have implications for investor confidence and potentially affect Tesla's stock value.


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