Electricity Prices Falling in Most European Markets

AleaSoft Energy Forecasting says electricity prices fell in all major European electricity markets during the last week
PV Magazine International 2:43 pm on June 5, 2024

** AleasSoft reported a general decrease in European electricity prices during the last week of May, with Portugal's daily solar energy production breaking records. The drop was attributed to increased renewable energy production and lower demand. **Major points **

  • Price decline across major European markets: AleasSoft indicated that most European electricity prices decreased, with notable exceptions in Nordic markets.
  • Portugal's solar energy output: Portugal broke its daily solar production records for the second consecutive week, reaching new highs. This surge contributed to the overall drop in prices by increasing renewable supply.
  • Lower electricity demand and increased wind energy influence pricing: The decrease in prices was partly due to lower demand and higher wind energy output in several markets.
  • Anticipated price increase next week: AleasSoft forecasts rising prices for the following week, influenced by an expected reduction in wind energy production and increased demand.
**Category selection:** Solar

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