Egyptian Utility Launches Tender for 8.2 Mw Solar Plus Storage Project

State-owned utility Egyptian Electricity Holding Company is requesting expressions of interest for the design, building
PV Magazine International 12:37 pm on May 9, 2024

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Egyptian utility, Egypt Electricity Holding Company (EEHC), announced a tender for an 8.2 MW solar-plus-storage project in Siwa Oasi with a 2 MW/4 MWh battery system. The aim is to enhance the existing microgrid and supply electricity to local rural communities. Expressions of interest are due by June 2024, leading to potential contract awarding at December's start.

  • Tender Announcement:
  • Project Specifications:
  • Location & Purpose:
  • Submission Deadline & Process:
  • Egypt's Renewable Energy Goals:

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