Evs Take 25.7% Share Of the Uk Tesla Stays Top

May saw plugin EVs take 25.7% share of the UK auto market, up from 23.1% year on yearMay saw plugin EVs take 25.7% share of the UK auto market, up from 23.1% year on year.
CleanTechnica 3:18 pm on June 7, 2024

EVs hold 25.7% market share in the UK as of June 2024, with Tesla leading.

  • Market Share: EVs account for nearly a quarter of vehicle sales in the UK.
  • Leading Brand: Tesla remains at the forefront among electric vehicles.
  • Date and Commentator: The latest data referenced by Dr. Maximilian Holland.
  • Sector Significance: This indicates substantial growth in the EV sector within a leading economy like the UK.


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