Evs Take 18.4% Share in Germany — Market Still in Hangover

April saw plugin EVs take 18.4% share in Germany, down YoY from 20April saw plugin EVs take 18.4% share in Germany, down YoY from 20.
CleanTechnica 5:15 pm on May 10, 2024

Dr. Maximilian Holland notes that electric vehicles (EVs) hold 18.4% of the market share as of May 1, 2 Market Report - The EV segment continues to grow amidst ongoing transition challenges.

  • Market Share: Electric vehicles capture 18.4% of total vehicle sales.
  • Date and Source: Report dated May 1, 2024 from Dr. Maximilian Holland.
  • Transition Challenges: Despite growth, EVs face ongoing transition difficulties in the market.
  • Sustainability Goals: The data reflects a significant move towards sustainable transportation options.
  • Industry Analysis: Continual evaluation of EV adoption and impact on the automotive industry is required.


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