Dongfeng Motor Will Utilize Advanced Humanoid Robots to Help Build Its Vehicles in China

A subsidiary of Dongfeng Motor Corporation has signed a strategic agreement with Ubtech Robotics, a leading smart
Electrek 5:45 pm on June 3, 2024

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Dongfeng Motor Corp has signed with Ubtech Robotics to integrate advanced humanoid robots, the Walker S, into their vehicle assembly lines in China. These high-performance robots will collaborate with existing automated systems for tasks like quality control and inspections, marking a significant step towards next-gen mobility technology.

  • Strategic Partnership:
  • Robot Integration: Ubtech's Walker S robots will assist Dongfeng Motor's assembly lines.
  • Tasks Assigned: Including safety checks, quality assurance, and body inspection tasks.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: High-performance servo joints with advanced sensory capabilities allow for precise interaction.

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