Despite Elon Musk's Foolishness, Auto Industry Shouldn't Give Up on Nacs

Other automakers should move forward with NACS/J3400 plans, even if Tesla is causing chaos with the standard it first
Electrek 8:05 pm on May 7, 2024

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Elon Musk's decision to abruptly dismiss the NACS (North American Charging Standard) team may cause uncertainty, but it won't halt its progress as it is now a standalone standard with widespread industry backing. Despite some automakers reconsidering their plans due to Tesla's actions, adopting this superior charging system remains crucial for the future of electric vehicles (EVs).

  • Elon Musk fired the NACS team at Tesla:
  • This move could potentially impact EV industry transition plans, but it won't kill the standard.
  • NACS is a superior charging standard and already SAE certified.
  • Other companies can now make NACS ports and chargers.
  • Automakers should continue their transition to NACS for interoperability with global infrastructures.
  • Tesla must rehire a dedicated division for the smooth transition process.

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