Daimler Buses & Eswe Verkehrsgesellschaft Celebrate Completion Of Electrified E Bus Depot

CleanTechnica 1:12 pm on May 15, 2024

On May 1, 2024, Till Oberwrde (CEO Daimler Buses), Marion Hebdin (ESWE Verkehrsgesellschaf's Managing Director), Andreas Kowo (Head of Building and Transport, City of Wiesbaden), and Chairman of the ESWE Verkehrsgesellschaft's Supervisory Board celebrated the completion of an electrified e-Bus depot.

  • Key Figures: Till Oberwrde (CEO Daimler Buses), Marion Hebdin (ESWE Verkehrsgesellschaf's Managing Director), Andreas Kowo (Head of Building and Transport, City of Wiesbaden).
  • Event: Electrified e-Bus Depot Completion.
  • Date: May 1, 2ranocut
  • Focus: EV Infrastructure Development.
  • Collaborative Efforts: Company leadership and municipal partnership in advancing eco-friendly public transportation solutions.


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