Daily Ev Recap: Evs That Can Power Your Home

Electrek 3:32 am on April 19, 2024

The text discusses various news stories in the electric vehicle (EV) industry. One story highlights how a Chevy Silverado EV, combined with GM's new bidirectional charger, can power a home for 21 days. Hyundai is also investing in new materials to improve upcoming EVs. Tesla launched a website to persuade shareholders to vote for Elon Musk's $55 billion payday. XPeng showcased self-driving technology with plans to expand to Europe. In other news, 2023 saw record wind power growth.

  • Chevy Silverado EV and GM's bidirectional charger can provide enough energy for a home's use for 21 days
  • Hyundai investing in new materials to improve future electric vehicles
  • Tesla launched a website to convince shareholders of Elon Musk's proposed payday
  • XPeng revealed NGP self-driving technology, planning European rollout
  • 2023 saw record wind power growth with increased production numbers


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