Construction Begins on Sweden's Largest Rooftop Pv System

Brion Solenergi has started working on the Nordic region's biggest rooftop solar projectBrion Solenergi has started working on the Nordic region's biggest rooftop solar project.
PV Magazine International 12:34 pm on May 27, 2024

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Sweden's largest rooftop PV system installation began on a 14 MW solar array at DSV warehouse, owned by Danish transport company DSV. Brion Solenergi partnered with CP for mounting, using helicopter lifts due to efficiency over cranes. The facility integrates JinkoSolar and Sungrow products, aiming for 25% energy self-sufficiency; excess power supports electric vehicle charging or grid sale.

  • Project Initiation: Brion Solenergi commences 14 MW rooftop solar installation at Danish DSV warehouse.
  • System Components: Utilizes CP's Wave mounting system, JinkoSolar Tiger Neo panels and Sungrow inverters.
  • Lifting Method: Helicopter lifts to avoid crane usage for efficiency.
  • Energy Self-Sufficiency Goal: Warehouse aims for 25% self-sufficient electricity consumption.
  • Excess Energy Utilization: Surplus energy charges EVs or sold back to the grid.

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