Confederated Tribes Of the Grand Ronde to Open New Energy Efficient Health Clinic

What should be prioritized in the construction of a new building? For the Confederated…
Energy Trust Blog 2:44 am on May 10, 2024

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The Grand Ronde Tribe is inaugurating a new Public Health Building equipped with energy-efficient features, including solar panels and an advanced HVAC system. These upgrades are aimed at maintaining healthcare services while containing potential future airborne illnesses and reducing operating costs through Energy Trust's support and rebates from Oregon Department of Energy and federal grants.

  • New Public Health Building for Grand Ronde Tribe:
  • Energy-efficient design with solar panels, HVAC system, LED lighting, skylights.
  • Reduces operating costs and contains potential airborne illnesses.
  • Collaboration among multiple entities for funding and installation.
  • Offers diverse healthcare services to Tribe members of all ages.

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