Compressed Gas for Electricity Storage Claims Are Mostly Hot Air

Compressing gases and making useful energy out of them is one of those deeply intuitive solutions that seduces people
CleanTechnica 8:05 pm on May 7, 2024

A text depicts a hot air balloon linked to ground by live electrical cables, sparking imagery related to compressed gas for electricity storage. It suggests the industry's reliance on potentially inefficient or risky methods.

  • Subject: Hot Air Balloon Image and Energy Storage
  • Imagery Description: A hot air balloon connected to the ground via electrical cables with sparks.
  • Contextual Reference: Compressed gas used for electricity storage, implying a controversial or inefficient approach.
  • Potential Implications: Discussion on energy methods and their perceived risks or inefficiencies.
  • Date and Commenter: Posted by Michael Barnard, May 2024.

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