Coal Share Falls Below 50% in Indias Installed Power Capacity

The share of coal in India's total installed power capacity fell below 50% in the first quarter of 2024The share of coal in India's total installed power capacity fell below 50% in the first quarter of 2024.
PV Magazine International 1:12 pm on May 15, 2024

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In 2021, global CO2 intensity from power generation hit a record low of 18.6% below the 2007 peak due to solar and wind energy growth, though India continues coal dependence. Despite this progress, adverse weather and demand led India's renewable energy push to include hybrid projects with storage systems.

  • Record decline in global CO2 intensity:
  • Solar and wind growth reaches crucial turning point:
  • India's renewable energy push includes hybrid projects with storage systems.
  • Continued reliance on coal for electricity generation in India despite advances in renewable technology.
  • Rise in tender issuance and interest towards diverse, intermittent power output solutions such as ESS.

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