Clean Power Hydrogen Launches Membraneless Electrolyzers

Clean Power Hydrogen (CPH2) is launching a membraneless electrolyzer with a cryogenic system to separate hydrogen and
PV Magazine International 2:16 pm on May 30, 2024

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Clean Power Hydrogen launches membraneless electrolyzers to produce hydrogen with a cryogenic system, aiming for 4 GW capacity by 2030 in the UK and New Zealand. The technology competes with PEM electrolysis in efficiency and cost while using standard equipment instead of critical materials.

  • Membraneless Electrolysis: Clean Power Hydrogen introduces a novel membraneless design that simplifies the process, improving safety over PEM systems.
  • Cryogenic Separation: The cryogenic system efficiently separates hydrogen and oxygen by cooling oxyge to its liquid state, requiring additional power but no critical materials.
  • Testing and Collaboration: CPH2 has installed test units, with plans for commercial production in the UK, Scotland's Kenera Energy Solutions, New Zealand's Fabru, by 2031.
  • Infrastructure Development: The company is pursuing manufacturing capacities of up to 4 GW globally with proven business models in selected markets.
  • Market Expansion Goals: After successful UK and New Zealand operations, CPH2 aims for global market expansion.

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