Chinese Pv Industry Brief: Longi to Issue $1.38 Billion Of Bonds

Longi says it will issue up to CNY 10 billion ($1.38 billion) of bondsLongi says it will issue up to CNY 10 billion ($1.38 billion) of bonds.
PV Magazine International 4:16 pm on June 7, 2024

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Longi Solar is issuing up to CNY 10 billion ($1.38 billion) of bonds for operational needs, debt repayment, and project construction in PV industry growth. Six companies shortlisted for Xinjiang's 2024 procurement round include GCL S, Eging P, and Tongwe, among others.

  • Issuance of Bonds: Longi Solar plans to raise CNY 10 billion for various operational needs, including debt repayment.
  • PV Procurement Shortlisting: Six companies shortlisted for the PV module procurement round in Xinjiang with total orders up to 1.85 GW.
  • New Facility Opening by Haitai Solar: Initiated a new factory in Xinjiang, featuring advanced automation for PV module and mounting bracket production.
  • Vincent Shaw's Expertise: Vincent Shaw reports on market developments in the solar industry.

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