Chinese Pv Industry Brief: China’s Cumulative Pv Capacity Tops 660 Gw

China's National Energy Administration (NEA) says the nation installed more than 47 GW of solar in the first three months of this year.
PV Magazine International 5:37 pm on April 23, 2024

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China's cumulative solar capacity reached 660 GW by the end of Q1 2024, with 45.74 GW added in the first three months. DKEM reported sales of 1713.62 tons of conductive silver paste in 2023, making it the industry's first TOPCon paste seller to surpass 1,000 tons. Boviet Sola plans to expand its US TOPCon solar cell factory from 2 GW to 4 GW. Cybrid Technologies reported sales of CNY 4.16 billion and a loss of CNY 103.61 million for the year ending Dec. 2023, with expansion into Europe, America, and Southeast Asia. GCL New Energy Holdings reported a loss of CNY 1.166 billion and revenue of CNY 831.5 million for the same period, attributing the decline to solar plant disposals.

  • China's cumulative installed PV capacity reached 660 GW by end of Q1 2024
  • DKEM reported sales of 1713.62 tons of conductive silver paste in 2023
  • Boviet Sola plans to expand US TOPCon solar cell factory from 2 GW to 4 GW
  • Cybrid Technologies reported sales of CNY 4.16 billion, a loss of CNY 103.61 million for the year ending Dec. 2023, expansion into Europe, America, and Southeast Asia
  • GCL New Energy Holdings reported a loss of CNY 1.166 billion, revenue of CNY 831.5 million for the same period, attributing decline to solar plant disposals

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