Chinas Hunan Rich Plans 1 Gw Solar Panel Factory in Serbia

Chinese company Hunan Rich Photovoltaic Science and Technology is set to invest over €300 million in the development
PV Magazine International 2:27 pm on May 10, 2024

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China's Hunan Rich Photovoltaic Science & Technology plans to invest 300 million USD over three years in Serbia, building a 1 GW solar panel factory and constructing a 200 MW solar plant. The move supports direct employment for 700 people and follows Serbia's second renewable energy auction, indicating increased international involvement in the country's clean energy sector.

  • Investment by Hunan Rich:
  • 1 GW solar panel factory and 200 MW power plant construction
  • Employment impacts (700 direct, additional indirect)
  • Serbia's renewable energy auctions
  • International interest in Serbian clean energy sector

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