Changemaker Andrea Caudill Is Challenging Business As Usual to Make It More Sustainable and Climate Resilient

This is a part of a series of blog posts amplifying community voices. In her role…
Energy Trust Blog 1:12 pm on May 15, 2024

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The individual expresses excitement about contributing to Port of Portland's efforts towards carbon emission reduction, acknowledging the challenges in sustainability but highlighting opportunities. They share an interest in solar energy and its benefits for local communities while recognizing the disruptive nature of shifting away from fossil fuels.

  • Portland's Carbon Emission Goals: Commitment to carbon reduction targets within a high-carbon industry.
  • Sustainable Initiatives: Use of renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel for air quality improvement, with immediate benefits.
  • Challenges in Sustainability: Need for education and collaboration to advance decarbonization efforts.
  • Industry Changes: Anticipated adoption of hydrogen for electrification as an alternative to fossil fuels.
  • Personal Advice: Every conversation can contribute to meaningful change by sharing critical information.
**Renewable policy and incentives**, **Solar**

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