Case Study: How a Metal Roof Solar Project Survived Category 5 Hurricane Winds

Solar Builder Magazine 9:25 pm on June 3, 2024

External seam clamps significantly enhance metal roof uplift resistance during wind events, mitigating failures like seam separation and clip disengagement. After a hurricane test in 2013, these S-5 WindClamps showed a 300% improvement on KR-18 metal roofs' uplift capacity when protecting solar array installations by transferring forces to the building structure. All components remained intact despite concerns of potential discrete load points and overloading.

  • Uplift resistance increase from S-5 WindClamps
  • Hurricane test validation, showing a 300% uplift capacity improvement on KR-18 metal roofs
  • Forces transferred through PVKITs and MX Mini clamps to the building structure
  • System integrity maintained despite concerns over discrete load points and potential overloading

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