Case Study: How Rosendin Improved Cable Management at Utility Scale Sites With Awm

Find out how Rosendin and Affordable Wire Management (AWM) collaborated to develop robust cable management systemsFind out how Rosendin and Affordable Wire Management (AWM) collaborated to develop robust cable management systems.
Solar Builder Magazine 2:40 pm on May 7, 2024

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Rosendi partners with AWM, enhancing utility-scale solar cable management via durable products. The collaboration across over 1.5 G projects includes notable ones such as Townsite Solar and Storag. Innovations driven by feedback foster success in the industry's push towards renewable energy adoption.

  • Partnership with AWM: Rosendi collaborates with Affordable Wire Management for robust utility-scale solar cable solutions.
  • Product Suite: Over 1.5 G projects have utilized the durable, metal-based CMS.
  • Innovation through Feedback: Continuous exchange of insights leads to improvements and advanced offerings in cable management technology.
  • Industry Impact: The partnership exemplifies the power of strong relationships and feedback in achieving solar energy success.
  • Notable Projects: Completed and ongoing projects include Townsite Solar, Storag, Antelope Expansion 1, and others like Scarlet and Athos I.

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