Call2recycle & Ascend Elements Formalize Agreement to Offer Customized Ev Battery Management, Logistics & Recycling Services

Call2Recycle & Ascend Elements Formalize Agreement to Offer Customized EV Battery Management, Logistics and
CleanTechnica 4:58 pm on May 11, 2024

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On May 1, 2024, Call2Recycle and Ascend Elements partnered to offer customized EV battery recycling services. Their joint facility in Georgia is the largest of its kind for lithium-ion batteries in the U.S., aiming to improve battery management, logistics, and recycling processes efficiently.

  • Partnership Announcement:
  • Customized Services Provision:
  • Large-scale Recycling Capacity:
  • Battery Management, Logistics & Recycling Improvement:
  • Georgia's EV Battery Facility Leading the U.S.:

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