Catl Accelerates Overseas Expansion As It Outgrows China's Booming Ev Market

CATL is doubling down on its global expansion efforts as it seeks more growth in overseas marketsCATL is doubling down on its global expansion efforts as it seeks more growth in overseas markets.
Electrek 6:27 pm on May 22, 2024

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CATL, the top EV battery maker, is expanding globally to outgrow China's booming market. Chairman Zeng Rong leads overseas expansion with plans for six more plants worldwide and technology licensing deals with 10 OEMs. Increasing competition, especially from BYD, impacts growth.

  • CATL's Global Expansion
  • CEO Zeng Rong at the helm of overseas strategy
  • Investments in new factories abroad
  • Technology licensing with OEMs and potential partnerships
  • Competition from BYD affecting market share growth

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