Bosch Unveils Water Source Heat Pumps for Residential, Commercial Applications

Bosch Home Comfort has presented two new heat pumps series that can be used for both retrofits and new buildingsBosch Home Comfort has presented two new heat pumps series that can be used for both retrofits and new buildings.
PV Magazine International 7:16 am on June 6, 2024

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** Bosch introduces new water source heat pumps for residential and commercial applications, featuring compact size (up to 6 tons), high efficiency (COP up to 4.9), and user-friendly design with safety features like swinging electrical boxes and compressors warranties.

  • Product Introduced: Bosch launches water source heat pumps in the CL and RL series for homes and businesses.
  • Features: <ul>     High-efficiency with COP up to 4.9     Compact size (up to 6 tons)     Safety features: swinging electrical boxes and unit protection modules </ul>
  • Warranty: <ul>     1-year parts warranty and 5-year compressor warranty </ul>
  • Target Users: <ul>     Residential and commercial users for retrofits and new buildings. </ul>

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