Bifacial Solar Panels Lose Tariff Exemption After Biden Reverses Course

The Biden Administration today put imported bifacial solar panels back under SecThe Biden Administration today put imported bifacial solar panels back under Sec.
Solar Power World 1:29 pm on May 16, 2024

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The U.S. Biden administration is revoking bifacial panels' exemption, raising the tariff-rate quota (TRQ) for silicon solar cells from 5 GW to 7.5 GW annually, impacting import tariffs and manufacturing sectors. Various industry stakeholders have responded positively, emphasizing the need for trade practices remediation through raised tariffs until a new safeguard's implementation in February 2026.

  • Tariff Increase: The U.S. has increased the TRQ on silicon solar cells to 7.5 GW, revoking previous bifacial panels exemption.
  • Stakeholder Reactions: Responses from industry representatives highlighting support for the Biden administration's move.
  • Impact on Imports and Manufacturing: Affected solar panel imports increase, with implications for domestic manufacturers seeking access to supply chains.
  • Federal Policy Shift: The administration's action represents a shift from the prior approach of weakened trade measures through exemptions.
  • Trade Practices Remediation: Raising tariffs is seen as a temporary measure to address anti-competitive practices until long-term safeguards take effect.

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