Biden Rumored to Announce Quadrupling Of Tariffs on Chinese Evs, Up to 100

%Chinese cars are currently taxed by 25% in the US, and President Biden reportedly wants to quadruple that to a 100% tax.
%Electrek 10:35 pm on May 10, 2024

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Biden administration plans to quadruple tariffs on electric vehicles (EVs), escalating the current 25% to potentially reach 100%. This move, in line with renewable policy and EVs category, could impact U.S. consumers' access to affordable high-tech EVs amid a surge in global automakers exporting more vehicles than needed for the domestic market.

  • Tariff quadrupling on EVs:
  • US policy aimed at reducing accessibility to affordable high-tech EVs:
  • Impact of rising global automaker exports:
  • Influence on U.S. renewable energy adoption and incentives:
  • Potential disruption to international trade dynamics with China's EV market growth:

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