Biden to Set 100% Tariff on Electric Cars Made in China Solar Panels May Be Next

Electric cars and solar panels from China will be hit with higher tariffs by the Biden administration this week.
CleanTechnica 9:52 pm on May 12, 2024

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The US plans to impose tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles by May 1, 2024. The move could extend to solar panels in the future.

  • US Tariff Announcement: Plan to levy new taxes on Chinese-made EVs.
  • Potential Inclusion of Solar Panels: Consideration for future tariffs on solar equipment.
  • Target Date: Implementation by May 1, 2024.
  • Impact Scope: Possible effect on China's electric car industry and related sectors.
  • US Initiative: Announced by the Biden administration through USMITI.)
The appropriate categories are: - Electric Vehicles - Renewable policy and incentives

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