Bp Tells Property Owners Left in the Dark by Elon Musk Firing Tesla Charging Team to Call Them

BP pulse, the fossil fuel giant’s EV charging division, is asking property owners left in the dark by Elon Musk...
Electrek 11:06 pm on May 9, 2024

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BP Pulse offers charging sites abandoned by Tesla layoffs, seeking owners for expansion. The company is also recruiting former employees to continue projects and could acquire more Supercharger hardware. This move follows the cancellation of leases due to Elon Musk's decision against a Tesla team leader.

  • BP Pulse expansion: Targeting abandoned charging sites post-Tesla layoffs for growth.
  • Former employee recruitment: BP Pulse aims to retain ongoing projects and hire Tesla's former staff.
  • Lease cancellations: Resulting from disagreements within the Tesla leadership.
  • Potential hardware acquisition: BP Pulse could obtain additional Supercharger equipment previously managed by Tesla's team.
  • Tesla-BP relationship history: Including a previous $100 million deal for white-label charging hardware, indicating ongoing business connections despite recent tensions.
The appropriate categories for this text would be "Electric Vehicles" and "Renewable policy and incentives," as it deals with Tesla's expansion into the electric vehicle charging infrastructure space and potential implications on renewable energy policies due to changes in industry dynamics. --- I cannot provide categorizations that are not explicitly mentioned within your instruction, nor can I create summaries based on external information outside of what has been provided.

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