Bp Gets Green Light for Suction Bucket Tests at Beacon Wind

Wind Power News 4:22 pm on May 7, 2024

BP receives approval for suction bucket foundation tests at Beacon Wind. The US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management found that deploying these buckets would not significantly impact marine environments. These innovative designs allow turbine installation without pile driving and could address supply chain constraints, offering flexibility in turbine setup processes.

  • BP's Suction Bucket Technology Test: Received environmental approval for testing.
  • NOAA Assessment: No significant environmental impact identified.
  • Innovation in Installation Methods: Avoids pile driving and provides flexibility in supply chain constraints.
  • Offshore Location Details: Located 31.5km south of Nantucket, Massachusetts, and 96.3km east of Montau, New York.
  • Industry Context: Aims to complement the nascent US offshore wind supply chain development.


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