Austrian Startup Offers Double Axis Tracking System for Agrivoltaics

Anywhere Solar says its new trackers have a module area of 75 m2 and can host PV systems up to 19 kW in sizeAnywhere Solar says its new trackers have a module area of 75 m2 and can host PV systems up to 19 kW in size.
PV Magazine International 1:20 pm on May 28, 2024

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**Summary (): Austrian startup Anywhere Solar has launched a double-axis tracking system for agrivoltaic projects, enhancing agricultural yield and solar energy generation. The 75 m trackers support PV modules up to 19 kW in size, with east-west rotation and zero to 85-degree elevation angles. These systems allow vehicles under 4.3 meters tall to pass overhead and can be dismantled easily without heavy machinery after installation.
**Bullet Points (

  • ):
  • Anywhere Solar's Double-Axis Tracking System:
  • 75 m module area with a 360-degree east-west rotation.
  • Elevation angle range from 0 to 85 degrees, accommodating agricultural traffic underneath.
  • Supports PV modules up to 19 kW capacity.
  • Lightweight aluminum substructure and easy disassembly post-installation.
  • Optimized for agrivoltaic applications, enhancing both solar energy production and agricultural efficiency.

**Categorization (2 categories):** Solar, Agrivoltaics

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