Australian Utility Delivers Pv Powered Microgrid for Farm Operation

AGL Energy has completed the installation of a solar-powered microgrid with a 5AGL Energy has completed the installation of a solar-powered microgrid with a 5.
PV Magazine International 11:17 am on May 14, 2024

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AGL Energy installs 5.4 MWh battery-powered PV microgrid at AFS Cadell Orchards, reducing diesel use by 85% and cutting carbon emissions by 700 tons per year.

  • Microgrid Installation: AGL Energy installs a solar-powered microgrid with a battery storage system at Australian Farming Services (AFS) Cadell Orchards, NSW.
  • Carbon Emission Reduction: The project is expected to reduce carbon emissions by 700 tons annually.
  • Energy Cost Savings: Orchard operation anticipates an energy cost saving of up to 40% per year.
  • Solar Energy Production and Storage: The microgrid comprises a solar farm and storage system, providing renewable power and reliability.
  • Controlled Operation & Management: A Powertec EdgeController manages the microgrid for optimal operation and fault tolerance.

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