Australian Miner Pushes Ahead With 20 Gwh Pumped Hydro Project

Evolution Mining is moving forward on a AUD 7 billion ($4Evolution Mining is moving forward on a AUD 7 billion ($4.
PV Magazine International 12:26 am on June 3, 2024

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Australian mining company Evolution Mining plans to construct a 20 GWh pumped hydro energy storage facility in the Mount Rawdon mine pit. The project, co-developed with ICA Partners, will deliver up to two million Queensland homes' power and is expected to be operational by 2031.

  • Evolution Mining - Australian miner initiating a large pumped hydro project.
  • Mount Rawdon Mine Pit - Proposed site for the energy storage facility, slated to be closed by 2027.
  • 2 GW/20 GWh Capacity - Expected output of power generation post-completion.
  • Queensland Government's Renewable Energy Policy** - The project aligns with state objectives for renewable energy integration and storage.
  • 2031 Operational Timeline** - Anticipated start of power delivery to Queensland residents.

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