Ascent Solar Secures Order for Thin Film Pv from Satellite Manufacturer

Solar Energy News 6:44 am on May 15, 2024

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Astrid Space Technology has secured $10 million from its first private investment to fund innovations for space technology and satellite applications, promising enhanced global communications. The company plans to develop small satellites that offer more connectivity than traditional models while addressing environmental concerns like space debris mitigation through active control.

  • Funding Announcement: $10 million secured from a private investor for Astrid Space Technology's expansion and innovation in the satellite sector.
  • Technological Advancements: Development of small satellites with increased connectivity capabilities; integration of active debris mitigation technology.
  • Environmental Concerns: Efforts to reduce the impact of space operations on Earth's environment and combat increasing space clutter.
  • Satellite Size and Weight Advantages: Significantly smaller, lighter satellites compared to existing options, facilitating deployment and cost efficiency.
  • Market Impact: Addressing the growing demand for better global communication infrastructure through innovative space technologies.

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