Appalachian Power Issues Renewables Rfps

The Appalachian Power Company has issued three RFPs for wind, solar, BESS and renewable energy certificates (RECs)The Appalachian Power Company has issued three RFPs for wind, solar, BESS and renewable energy certificates (RECs).
Solar Industry 2:25 pm on May 14, 2024

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Appalachian Power has issued three Request for Proposals (RFPs) concerning solar, wind resources, battery storage systems, and renewable energy certificates. Bidders must submit proposals by July 16 with preference given to Virginia and West Virginia projects interconnected within the PJM region or Appalachian Power's distribution system, aiming for commercial operation by 2028.

  • Renewable Energy Sources:
  • Wind and Solar Resources:
  • Battery Storage Systems:
  • Energy Certificates (RECs):
  • Project Development Time Frame & Locations:

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