Annual Report Highlights Energy Trusts Collaborations, Community Benefits in 2023

Energy Trust has released its 2023 annual report that highlights benefits to customers and communities as…
Energy Trust Blog 7:26 pm on May 9, 2024

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The Energy Trust Blog published its 2023 annual report, highlighting achievements such as exceeding energy goals, launching programs supporting lower-income families, and community-focused initiatives. Notable outcomes include over $7 billion in utility bill savings for businesses, customers, and communities, along with a significant reduction in carbon dioxide emissions.

  • Annual Report Highlights:
  • Energy Trust surpassed energy-saving targets.
  • New community programs initiated, with over $7 billion in savings for customers and businesses.
  • Over 82,000 helped via clean energy investments; $1.2B saved on utility bills.
  • Significant climate impact through avoided CO2 emissions.

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