Amp Energy Finalizes Agreements for 10 Gw Green Hydrogen Project

Amp Energy is pushing -full steam ahead- on the development of a green hydrogen production facility with up to 10 GW
PV Magazine International 11:24 am on May 22, 2024

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Amp Energy finalizes agreements for 10 GW green hydrogen project on South Australia's Eyre Peninsula, securing land purchase and royalty structure. This collaboration with Iron Road will facilitate renewable-based ammonia production and advanced fuels like methane, targeting both domestic and export markets through an export terminal development.

  • Green Hydrogen Project: Amp Energy commences a massive green hydrogen project on South Australia's Eyre Peninsula.
  • Land and Royalty Agreements: The agreements involve land acquisition for the industrial precinct, defining royalty structures.
  • Advanced Fuel Production: Alongside hydrogen, this initiative will enable production of methanol and sustainable aviation fuel.
  • Export Strategy: The project is designed for both domestic consumption and export through an advanced fuels export terminal in partnership with Iron Road.
  • Infrastructure and Water Sourcing: A planned seawater desalination plant at Cape Hardy will supply water, with federal investment supporting this infrastructure development.

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