America's First Hydrogen Garbage Truck Arrives in Las Vegas

Hyzon just revealed North America'sĀ first hydrogen fuel cell-powered electric refuse truck at Waste Expo in Las Vegas.
Electrek 8:05 pm on May 7, 2024

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The hydrogen-powered electric refuse truck by New Way Trucks and Hyzon is the first of its kind in North America. This vehicle will participate in pilot programs across California, led by Recology. The hybrid system combines Hydrogen fuel cells with New Way's automated side loader technology for efficient waste collection.

  • Partnership: A collaboration between New Way Trucks and Hyzon results in the debut of North America's first hydrogen-powered electric refuse truck.
  • California Pilot Programs: The truck will take part in California pilot programs led by Recology, a major waste hauler company.
  • Hyzon's Fuel Cell System: It is efficient, cost-effective, and provides consistent power even with challenging collection routes.
  • Automated Side Loader Technology: The truck uses New Way Trucks' technology for improved operability in refuse collection tasks.
  • Environmental Impact: Aims to reduce emissions and improve air quality while serving waste collection routes.

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