Amea Power Switches on 26.6 Mw Solar Farm in Burkina Faso

Amea Power has connected the Zina solar plant to the grid in Burkina Faso, to power the Mana gold mine in Mouhoun
PV Magazine International 12:26 am on June 3, 2024

Amea Power commissioned Burkina Faso's Zina solar plant, adding 26.6 MW to the grid and supplying power to Mana Gold Mine through a 25-year electricity purchase contract with Sonabel. The project saw Amea Power acquiring most of its capital from Windiga Energie Burkina in 2019 and involving Sinohydro for construction tasks.

  • Solar Plant Commissioning: Amea Power connects Zina solar plant (26.6 MW) to Mouhoun's grid, providing power to the Mana Gold Mine.
  • Electricity Purchase Contract**: Sonabel enters a 25-year agreement for energy supplied by Zina solar facility.
  • Capital Acquisition & Management Change**: Amea Power takes over majority capital from Windiga Energie Burkina and hires Sinohydro as construction contractor.
  • Project History & Investments**: Originating in 2009, with multiple project managers and significant international financing, including IFC investment.
  • Burkina Faso's Renewable Energy Goals**: The nation plans to add approximately 500 MW of renewable energy by 2025.

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