Airbnb Just Partnered With Chargepoint to Help Hosts Install Home Ev Chargers

Airbnb and ChargePoint have partnered to help homestay hosts install EV chargers in the US in the face of growing demandAirbnb and ChargePoint have partnered to help homestay hosts install EV chargers in the US in the face of growing demand.
Electrek 11:24 am on May 22, 2024

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Airbnb has partnered with ChargePoint to assist hosts install home EV chargers, offering discounts and installation services. This collaboration aims to address the growing demand for electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Searches for home EV chargers on Airbnb's platform have surged from 2022-2023, highlighting increased interest in sustainable travel options.

  • Partnership Announcement:
  • EV Charger Installation Discounts: Airbnb and ChargePoint provide home EV charger discounts up to 36% and additional installation incentives.
  • Increased Booking Rates for Listings With Chargers: Hosts offering a home EV charger see higher night bookings and average income compared to those without.
  • Support Higher EV Adoption: By removing barriers, the partnership promotes residential charging solutions for broader EV market penetration.
  • Regional Popularity and Sales Trends: States with significant charger availability align with high EV sales growth, emphasizing regional trends.

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