Agrivoltaics for Cucumbers

Scientists in Israel have tested three different PV technologies to power a greenhouse hosting 400 cucumber seedlingsScientists in Israel have tested three different PV technologies to power a greenhouse hosting 400 cucumber seedlings.
PV Magazine International 5:44 am on May 5, 2024

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Scientists in Israel tested three PV technologies for powering a greenhouse with 400 cucumber seedlings. They found the impact on crop yield was negligible but noted potential issues with greenhouse covers affecting solar module performance. They compared bifacial silicon panels, bifacial plastic-encapsulated PERC modules, and semi-transparent organic photovoltaic (OPV) technologies. The study highlighted that OPVs achieved lower efficiency but produced heavier fruits, suggesting better light transmittance for plant growth.

  • Researchers tested PV systems in a cucumber greenhouse with 400 seedlings
  • Impact on crop yield was negligible but spectral transmittance and dust affected solar module performance
  • Compared opaque silicon, semi-transparent organic OPVs at canopy height
  • OPVs produced heavier fruits with lower efficiency than silicon panels
  • Future plans include custom-made PV modules, more efficient greenhouse materials, and innovative designs for optimized light distribution inside the greenhouse

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