Awm Cable Management Earns 630amp Rating, Can Support Sungrow 4.4 Mw Inverter

Solar Builder Magazine 4:05 pm on May 28, 2024

Affordable Wire Management (AWM) achieves 630amp rating, supporting Sungrow's 4.4-MW inverter for utility solar projects, with all-metal solutions ensuring durability and compliance with industry standards. AWM provides various metal cable management systems including Arden Messenger Cable Hange, Bonsai Module Cable Hange, and Solar LOTO lock-out solution to enhance power plant performance and reduce long-term costs for solar installations.

  • 630amp rating achievement: AWM's cable management systems meet the highest standards.
  • Compatibility with Sungrow inverter: Supports utility-scale projects using a 4.4 MW SG4400UD-MV modular inverter.
  • Long-term reliability and cost efficiency: Offers durable, all-metal solutions reducing maintenance and replacement needs.
  • Compliance with industry standards: Meets UL270, IEEE requirements, ensuring safety and quality.
  • Comprehensive CMS offering: Includes various hangers, cable management systems, and lock-off solutions for utility solar projects.

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