Atco's Proposed Edmonton Hydrogen Subdivision Would Pay 4 10 Times Current Cost for Heat

Proposed hydrogen subdivision near Edmonton would cost 11+ times more each year for heat even with blue hydrogen.
CleanTechnica 5:33 pm on May 14, 2024

A proposed Edmonton hydrogen subdivision aims to pay up to 10 times the current cost for heat, using Atco's system where family members shovel money into a stove. Public commentary includes Michael Barnard on May 1, 2024.

  • Proposed Edmonton hydrogen subdivision
  • Atco heating system with cash input for heat cost coverage up to tenfold current rates
  • Public commentary by Michael Barnard dated May 1, 2sth, 2024
  • Use of family gathering around a stove shoveling money into Atco
  • Renewable policy and incentives
The text can be categorized under: - Renewable policy and incentives ===

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