28 Courses to Boost Your Esg, Sustainable Finance Skills

Whether you want to learn how to make more sustainable investment choices or improve your company's ESG performance,
Greenbiz 4:51 pm on May 9, 2024

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This text outlines three courses related to sustainable finance: Yale School of Management's program, University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership course by Climate Angels in partnership with Climate Capita, and Green Finance 25 conference. Each offers insights into ESG investment strategies, impactful financial decision-making, and opportunities for angel investments in climate tech startups.

  • Yale Sustainable Finance Course: A six-week online program focusing on ESG data insights for finance professionals.
  • University of Cambridge Climate Tech Investing Courses: Six weeks covering climate investment strategies and angel syndication exercises with a focus on impactful tech startups.
  • Green Finance Summit (24 Conference): A gathering featuring over 3,500 professionals to discuss sustainable business practices.


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