2.5 C Is Now the Best Case Scenario, Climate Scientists Tell the Guardian

The Guardian asked 843 climate scientists how the effort to limit average global temperatures is goingThe Guardian asked 843 climate scientists how the effort to limit average global temperatures is going.
CleanTechnica 7:26 pm on May 9, 2024

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Charles Keeling documented the rise of CO2 levels with his "Keeling Curve," which remains a crucial climate indicator. Scientists, in May 2024, cite an average temperature increase to 2.5C as potentially optimistic under current conditions (The Guardian, Steve Hanley).

  • Keeling Curve: A historical record of atmospheric CO2 levels.
  • Scientific Consensus: 2.5C is considered a potentially achievable scenario with present measures.
  • Publication Source: "The Guardian," May 2024 article by Steve Hanley.
  • Climate Impact: Reflects the ongoing discourse regarding global temperature thresholds and climate change progression.
  • Scientific Communication: The report serves as a medium for disseminating current scientific opinions to public audiences.


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